Take Control of Your Arthritis This Winter
Your Joints Deserve Better!

Ah, the brutal winter season. The majority of us Canadians aren't too fond of the nuisances that come along with the bitter cold weather and snow – but we do put up with it, nonetheless! With that said, there is a particular condition that many of us suffer from that tends to worsen during the taxing winter months: Arthritis.


Arthritis affects roughly 16% of Canadians every year, with Osteoarthritis being the most common form of the condition. The harsh winter weather is notorious for increasing arthritic pain in many people. But why do our joints act silly when the weather gets chilly? Well, the colder temperatures have an ability to shrink tissue and aggravate nerves – causing an increase of pain in the joints. In addition, the decrease in physical activity that is often influenced by the winter season can stiffen the joints, leading to increased discomfort.

Osteoarthritis is a condition that takes place when the cartilage lining of the joints' bones, which allows for the easy gliding action of the joints as well as lubrication - wear down and become cracked and pitted resulting in pain, decreased joint mobility and stiffness. All joints can be affected by Osteoarthritis, however, the weight bearing joints such as the low back, hips and knees are more prone to wear and tear. That's why it's the most common form of Arthritis and it usually lingers in the winter.

Managing Winter Arthritis

Fortunately, there are many things that you can do to manage your arthritis pain during these long, cold months! Below are some strategies and techniques that have proven effective for many:

  • Take a soak in warm Epsom salt water.
    A relaxing warm bath or bowl of Epsom salt water can work wonders for your achy joints, due to its high levels of magnesium. Be sure to soak joints for at least 15 minutes for optimal relief.

  • Include more magnesium into your diet.
    Magnesium is known to relax muscles and strengthen bones. Eating magnesium-rich foods such as legumes and dark leafy greens, or taking magnesium capsules are a great way to up your intake of the mineral. Magnesium oil can also be applied topically to soothe the joints.

  • Add turmeric.
    Turmeric works wonderfully for reducing pain and stiffness in the body due to its anti-inflammatory properties. This herb can be simply added to food, taken in capsule form, or used in tea along with ginger for a powerful natural treatment.

  • Get more exercise.
    Last, but certainly not least – exercise is vital for reducing symptoms of arthritis. A lack of physical activity can weaken the muscles and put stress on the joints, contributing to pain and stiffness. Even moderate amounts of physical activity each day will promote stronger muscles and bones while helping you to control your weight and reduce arthritic pain.

The Advanced Therapeutic Centre (ATC) offers many services to effectively treat stubborn arthritic symptoms in patients, especially in cases of Osteoarthritis when the protective bone cartilage wears down. The treatment provided by the Chronic Pain Doctors at ATC for Osteoarthritis relieves the pain and stiffness in the joints, and is proven effective, natural and cost effective.

The services provided at ATC include:

  • Laser Therapy - proven to reduce arthritis pain by stimulating and healing tissue with photons or light energy.

  • Acupuncture - promotes a release of chemicals from the brain, spinal cord and muscles, ultimately changing how the patient experiences pain, and improving overall well-being.

  • Rehabilitation - fosters the healing and strengthening of muscles through a 4-level program. Laser therapy and gentle exercises work together to ultimately reduce pain for the patient.

Have you been suffering from the unforgiving pains of arthritis this winter, and haven't been lucky in managing your symptoms at home? If so, please book an appointment with the ATC today for a consultation with Dr. Don. We're here to help!

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